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Live webinar – hosted weekly

Cookies for Rookies by Cookiebot™

Give your customers the absolute best from Cookiebot CMP while you save time to concentrate on your core business

Join Marina Mchedlishvili, Martín Celis & Valeria Maksimenko to get up to speed with the latest tips and tricks, best practices, and time-saving shortcuts.

Marina Mchedlishvili

Marina Mchedlishvili

Partner Manager

Valeria Maksimenko

Valeria Maksimenko

Partner Enablement Manager

Martín Celis

Martín Celis

Partner Manager

We will show you how to:

  • move existing Cookiebot™ direct clients to your Reseller account
  • apply automatic discounts to your customer accounts
  • create free accounts
  • obtain quotes for multiple domains
  • create new accounts using Wholesale and Retail models

There will also be time for all your questions about Cookiebot CMP.

About the speakers

Marina Mchedlishvili, Partner Manager – Marina has more than 10 years of experience in customer and partner management. She dedicates her days at Usercentrics to working closely with partners, enabling their success and helping them grow by leveraging Usercentrics and Cookiebot™ products.

Valeria Maksimenko, Partner Enablement Manager – Valeria is committed to helping partners and their customers build privacy-compliant and trusted brands, enabling them to provide the best Usercentrics and Cookiebot experience to their users with respect to privacy rights and advertising revenue.

Martín Celis, Partner Manager – Martín is a partner manager at Cookiebot since 2021 taking care of partners and focusing on the onboarding process of new ones and providing with the necessary training to start offering Cookiebot. Martín enjoys enabling partners to equip their customers with the best CMP on the market.

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