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News from the IAB: Major changes in the new TCF v2.2

The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) has recently unveiled TCF v2.2, introducing significant modifications that will have a profound impact on the dynamics of online advertising for publishers and advertisers alike. In response to previous feedback and criticism surrounding TCF v2.0, the IAB has taken proactive steps to enhance user experience and address regulatory expectations.

Last update: August 22, 2023

New policies in TCF v.2.2

The latest version of TCF contains important policy changes. Let’s take a closer look.

  • The selection of legitimate interest as a legal basis for advertising and content personalization (purpose 3, 4, 5, and 6) has been eliminated, leaving only consent as a valid option.
  • Clear and user-friendly descriptions have replaced the legal information pertaining to purposes and features.
  • Vendor disclosures have undergone standardization and expansion, now including categories of collected data, retention periods, and indication of legitimate interest application.
  • Publishers are required to display the total number of vendors utilized on the first layer of the Consent Management Platform (CMP).
  • Redesigning the CMP is mandatory to enable users to exercise their right to opt out of providing consent.

For more details go to IAB article on Transparency and Consent Framework v2.2.

Apart from the policy changes, the IAB Tech Lab has also implemented technical modifications that primarily impact vendors and CMPs.

Deadline for implementing TCF v2.2 and summary

In summary, TCF v2.2 brings significant changes to the digital advertising landscape, encompassing an expanded framework, updated UI requirements for CMPs, policy adjustments, strengthened accountability and transparency measures, and revised technical specifications. These updates aim to empower users with greater control over their consent choices, enhance transparency and accountability, and improve the overall user experience. CMPs have been granted until November 20, 2023, to implement the new policies and specifications.

As the industry continues to evolve, it remains crucial for publishers, advertisers, and CMPs to remain informed about the latest developments, ensuring compliance and nurturing trust with their users. Stay updated on TCF v2.2 news, data privacy, and the Cookiebot CMP by subscribing to our newsletter.

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