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Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger | Faster and easier cookie consent for your website

In this blogpost, learn more about the Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger and how it makes compliance with a key requirement of the EU’s GDPR effortless on your website.

Published March 14, 2023.

Cookiebot consent management platform (CMP) comes with a Privacy Trigger for your website that makes the end-user consent interaction faster and more responsive than ever before.

Following the new generation of cookie banners from Cookiebot CMP, the Privacy Trigger works as a design and functionality extension that integrates with most websites to make cookie consent easier for the user and the balance between data-driven business and data privacy more effortless for you, the website owner/operator.

Right behind the launch of the latest generation of cookie banners from Cookiebot CMP comes the Privacy Trigger – a small, weightless element for your website that gives visitors quick access to check or change their consent state faster and easier, bringing flexibility and simplicity to an area that users often find tiresome and complicated.

Illustration of Cookiebot CMP widget on a laptop - Cookiebot
Make cookie consent easy and effortless for your website’s visitors with the Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger.

A key requirement of the EU’s GDPR is that users must be able to withdraw their consent state just as easy as they gave it.

The subtle, floating Privacy Trigger from Cookiebot CMP gives your website’s visitors access to check or change their consent state, i.e. to opt in or out of categories of cookies, give or withdraw consent as easy as with the flick of a mouse click.

Your website will no longer need to have a cookie declaration on a separate subpage that users must navigate to for them to change their consent state – with one simple click the Privacy Trigger unfolds a miniature banner showing their consent information and giving them easy access to change their consent state.

With the Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger on your website, you provide end-users with the easiest and most flexible solution to this key consent requirement from the EU’s GDPR – one that brings transparency and control to data privacy in an effortless way.

Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics is an unrivaled consent solution on the market today, offering scanning technology that detects every single cookie on your website with fully automatic cookie control and granular end-user consent that meets the compliance requirements of the EU’s GDPR/ePR as well as California’s CCPA/CPRA, Brazil’s LGPD, South Africa’s POPIA, Canada’s PIPEDA and many other data privacy laws around the world.

Cookiebot CMP launched a new generation of consent banners in July 2021 that offer the easiest, most reliable end-user consent solution anywhere on the Internet, and the Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger works as a seamless extension to them.

With the Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger on your website, you get –

Implement the new Privacy Trigger on your website now

Scan your website to see what cookies your website uses

Try Cookiebot free for 14 days – or forever if you have a small website.

How does the Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger work?

The Privacy Trigger from Cookiebot CMP works as a shortcut for users to access their consent state information, making cookie consent a more seamless integration of the overall user experience on your website.

As always, when a user lands on your website, they will give consent to cookies through the Cookiebot CMP consent banner. Once given, the consent banner folds itself into a small and subtle Privacy Trigger hovering at a position of choice on your website.

Illustration of Cookiebot CMP widget - Cookiebot
The Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger unfolds a small consent banner for easy end-user consent on any subpage of your domain.

Users can then click on the Privacy Trigger to unfold a mini version of the cookie banner, giving them quick access to easily check or change their consent state, opt in to cookies or withdraw consent already given – at any given time on any given place on your domain.

How to enable, disable and customize the Privacy Trigger

The Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger is not enabled by default on existing domains but needs to be activated in the Manager by ticking the checkbox named “Show Privacy Trigger”. However, for all new domains created with Cookiebot CMP, the Privacy Trigger will be enabled as default.

Once implemented, you can customize the position of the Privacy Trigger to find the ideal layout for your website. Place the Privacy Trigger in one of the four corners of your website and configure distance from bottom and margins to get a detailed, seamless fit with your design.

Free plans with Cookiebot CMP can choose between dark and light themes for the Privacy Trigger, but won’t be able to customize it additionally.

The Privacy Trigger also supports several script attributes that allows you to customize its position settings on each individual domain, effectively overriding domain group settings.

Choose between different color themes for the closed version of the Privacy Trigger (in its hovering state) and the open version (in its unfolded mini version).

The Privacy Trigger can be changed to any color that might fit your website, but we recommend following the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to ensure accessibility compliance, e.g. easily readable contrasts.

See our technical support article for how to setup and customize the Privacy Trigger

Scan your website for free to see all cookies in use

Try Cookiebot CMP free for 14 days – or forever if you have a small website.

Easier compliance, better customer relations

Creating a more sustainable internet economy in which data privacy and data-driven business are not polar opposites, but integral parts to trustful customer relations comes down to smart, well-built solutions.

Transparency and control are the cornerstones of the EU’s GDPR, the backbone of Cookiebot CMP and the essence of the Privacy Trigger.

Launched out of Europe in 2012, Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics has grown to become an unrivaled tool in the e-privacy industry. Built around patented scanning technology, Cookiebot CMP offers automatic compliance for your website with all major data privacy laws in the world.

Cookiebot CMP is designed to take the hard part out of compliance for you, the website owner/operator, while making consent easier and more flexible for your end-users – fostering an online culture of trust and privacy protection.

71% of consumers say they left a brand because it was using their data without consent, revealing how much data privacy has become a consumer demand and a metric of brand reputation in itself.

Consent fatigue is real among users across the Internet, but the solution is not less privacy or broken analytics leading to data loss for your website, it’s smarter solutions for data privacy.

The latest development from Cookiebot CMP, after the launch of the latest cookie banner generation in July 2021, is the easy-to-use and fully customizable Privacy Trigger that makes the consent interaction between end-users and your website a lot easier.

Cookiebot CMP helps make data privacy a central part of our digital infrastructures – bringing you updated software with better functionalities and more ease-of-use as a way of fostering an Internet, where data-driven business and data privacy go hand in hand.

Implement the Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger

See our technical support article for how to customize the Privacy Trigger

Scan your website for free to see what cookies are in use

Try Cookiebot CMP free for 14 days – or forever if you have a small website


What is a CMP Privacy Trigger?

The Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger is a small, lightweight element for your website. It gives your website’s visitors quick access to check or update their consent state faster and easier, including opting in or out of categories of cookies and giving or withdrawing consent. It is an industry-leading solution for end-users that bring transparency and control to data privacy as easy as with the flick of a mouse click.

Implement the Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger on your website now

How to implement the Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger on your website

If you’re already using Cookiebot CMP on your website, know that the Privacy Trigger does not activate by default, but has to be manually switched on. Navigate to the Manager and tick the checkbox named “Show Privacy Trigger” to activate the Privacy Trigger on your domain.

See our support article on how to setup and customize the Privacy Trigger

How does a CMP Privacy Trigger work?

The Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger works by enabling users to change their consent state on any given part of your domain at any given time through a small, subtle Privacy Trigger hovering in a position of choice on your website. Users can click on the Privacy Trigger to unfold a small version of a cookie consent banner and opt in to cookies or withdraw consent easily.

Scan your website for free to see all cookies and trackers in use

Can I customize the Privacy Trigger?

Yes, the Cookiebot CMP Privacy Trigger is fully customizable. Change position and colors to make the Privacy Trigger integrate seamlessly with your website and to make the overall user experience of cookie consent better and easier for your visitors.

See our support article on how to setup and customize the Privacy Trigger

How can I scan my website for cookies and trackers?

Scan your website for free with Cookiebot CMP to find all cookies and similar tracking technologies in use and in operation on your domain. Cookiebot CMP finds 63% more cookies than any other CMP solution on the market.

Try Cookiebot CMP free for 14 days – or forever if you have small website.


See our support article on how to set up and customize the Privacy Trigger on your website

Learn more about the latest cookie banners from Cookiebot CMP

Get started with Cookiebot CMP and Google Consent Mode

Learn more about GDPR and cookies

Try the Cookiebot CMP WordPress plugin

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