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Please visit the Cookiebot CMP support area for further help. You can search for answers to your questions (search bar is located right above the houses) or browse through guides, articles and FAQs.

Also check out our Cookiebot CMP community(*) where you can post those questions you do not find the answers to in the support area.

Sales: For questions regarding subscriptions, how the pricing works and other related questions, please visit the support section dedicated to subscriptions and pricing. If you do not find the answer to your question, you are welcome to post it in our public Cookiebot CMP community in the Subscriptions & pricing topic.

If you have a sales related request (e.g. volume pricing, asking for a bulk quote or needing financial supplier information) please write directly to

Implementation of Cookiebot Consent Management Platform (CMP): If you are looking for installation guides, please visit the support section dedicated to implementation. There is also a section dedicated to the cookie consent banner/pop-up and how to customize it.

If you are using WordPress, please visit our WordPress plugin page for implementation guides, videos and a support forum.

If you are looking for further information about how to ensure that your website is compliant with GDPR (enforced since 25 May 2018), please see: Ready for 25 May 2018 (GDPR enforcement date)? A Cookiebot CMP checklist and What type of cookie consent banner should I use (to be GDPR compliant)?

If you have a question or issue regarding implementation of Cookiebot CMP that you cannot solve based on the guides, FAQs and other material available in our support area, please post your question in the public Cookiebot CMP community – in English. Topics you can post in:

Implementation with Google Tag Manager (GTM)

All other implementation

Please note: We do not offer implementation or consulting services, nor do we provide support on custom built cookie consent banners. If you would like this kind of help or any additional implementation help or support, please reach out to your current web services provider/agency or contact one of our many resellers.

Invoice and billing: If you have a question about why your subscription has been changed, please read Why has my subscription been changed?

If you believe there is a mistake on an invoice you have received or if you have other questions about your current subscription, please write directly to

Resellers: If you are a Cookiebot CMP reseller, please visit our reseller support area where you will find guides, articles and FAQs on all aspects of being a reseller. Please also visit our general support area. If you need technical or other support, please contact directly.

If you are interested in becoming a Cookiebot CMP reseller, you can read more about our reseller program and sign up to become a reseller.

If you are a Reseller becoming aware of national developments in legislation or enforcement concerning cookie information and consent requirements, please promptly write us on

(*) In the Cookiebot CMP community, we have currently teamed up with external supporters to be able to better help you. Other Cookiebot CMP users or resellers may also be able to provide help and answers. Please note that the Cookiebot CMP community is a public community so you should not post any personal data or other information you do not want to make publicly visible. Your use of the community is governed by our Terms of Service (see Clause 6 about ‘Responsible Use and Conduct’ in particular).

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