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Certified Partner of Google Consent Mode

Google has announced that Cookiebot consent management platform (CMP) is officially a certified partner of Google Consent Mode!

Published September 20, 2022.

Cookiebot CMP has worked seamlessly with Google Consent Mode since its launch in 2020, enabling you to balance data privacy compliance and data-driven business on your websites by enabling privacy-compliant data and measurement based on end-user consent.

Being featured as a trusted and certified solution in the new CMP Partner Program solidifies the excellence of Cookiebot CMP in automatically integrating with and successfully operating Google Consent Mode on websites and apps.

On September 20, 2022, Google announced a new CMP Partner Program for Google Consent Mode, and we’re excited to share that Cookiebot CMP is officially one of the few selected CMPs!

Since the launch of Google Consent Mode in 2020, Cookiebot CMP has supported the technology with a full integration, bringing unrivaled cookie scanning and consent management to Google Consent Mode.

“Google Consent Mode perfectly supports our vision and mission at Usercentrics: we want to provide software services that can protect user privacy while enabling a thriving digital ecosystem. That is also what Google Consent Mode is about”

– Daniel Johannsen, CTO and Co-founder at Usercentrics.

Using Cookiebot CMP with Google Consent Mode means that you can run all of your favorite Google services based on the consent state of your end users, such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager and Google Tag Manager 360.

Why is this a big deal?

Data privacy laws, like the EU’s GDPR, have drawn a line in the sand when it comes to the legalities of collecting and processing end-user data. Only with consent can you collect and utilize privacy-compliant data for your website’s analytics and ads services.

But how can companies be compliant with data privacy laws and respect user consent choices while at the same time ensure that their data-driven business keeps growing?

Learn more about Google Consent Mode and Cookiebot CMP

Benefits of using Google Consent Mode

Google Consent Mode is a service that enables you to run Google services based on the consent state of your end users.

This enables you to achieve compliance with relevant data privacy laws while at the same time securing user data collection for your domain, e.g. through the privacy-friendly Google Consent Mode conversion modeling tool that offers anonymous analytics data on users who do not consent to cookies.

In short, Google Consent Mode ensures that your website’s analytics and marketing can run seamlessly based on each user’s consent choice. 

In recent years, many companies and businesses have experienced a “hard block” when end users choose not to give consent to cookies that run analytics and marketing services. The stream of data necessary for analytics insights and marketing revenue is cut off.

Illustration presenting analytics and the Certified CMP Partner badge
Google Consent Mode lets you run advertising and analytics services based on end-user consent.

Instead of losing valuable insights into how your website performs and what users are interested in, Google Consent Mode can help to fill in the gaps and give you a broader and better picture of your online business — without breaking end-user trust and data privacy laws.

How does Cookiebot CMP work with Google Consent Mode?

Once you sign up, Cookiebot CMP scans and finds all cookies in use on your website, then automatically blocks them until end users have given consent.

Cookiebot CMP communicates this end-user consent choice to Google Consent Mode. Based on the end user’s specific choice, Google Consent Mode determines the behavior of all tags and scripts from its services based on the consent state, e.g. through the global site tag (gtag).

Once end users have given consent through Cookiebot CMP, only the consent state is forwarded to Google. No personal data is sent from Cookiebot CMP to Google.

Instead of blocking tag usage when users haven’t consented, Cookiebot CMP automatically signals the user’s declined consent choice to Google Consent Mode.

In other words, the end-user consent choice, which is collected and managed by Cookiebot CMP,- becomes the basis for the operation of all Google services that you are using on your website.

If an end user chooses not to give their consent to allow non-necessary cookies and trackers to activate on your website, Google Consent Mode ensures that you get aggregate and non-identifying basic measurements and modeling data, like timestamps of visits, user agent, referrer and more.

How do I get started with Google Consent Mode?

If you want to use Google Consent Mode with Cookiebot CMP on your website, make sure to create a free Cookiebot CMP account first.

Follow this simple guide for how to set up Google Consent Mode with Cookiebot CMP.

Google Consent Mode supports:

  • Google Analytics 
  • Google Ads (Google Ads Conversion Tracking and Remarketing) 
  • Google Tag Manager 
  • gtag 
  • Floodlight
  • Conversion Linker

Get started with Google Consent Mode

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